5. Tips for Completing Application Form V.2013
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5.1 If the name listed on passport is new, provide a copy of court record or marriage certificate.
5.2 Local ID/Citizenship Number. Write the number of your Driver’s License or State ID; children may use N/A.
5.3 If your occupation is “Businessman”, you will need to state professional area in the “other” field.
5.4 If company name DOES NOT state the nature of your business, i.e., TTF Corporation, you must state the nature. I.E. manufacturing, retail, health, financial, etc.
5.5 If a student, you must provide school name, address, phone number, even if K-12th grade.
5.6 If your employment is related to media, religion, etc, you will need need an additional statement. Contact our customer care for more information.
5.7. Purpose of visit. It is better to check only one. A complicated itinerary is likely to delay processing of your visa.
5.8 Signatures. Adults 18 or older must sign Part #4 no matter who prepared the application form. If applicant is under 18, a parent or legal guardian must A.) sign child’s name in Part #4, and B.) Fill in information in Part #5. Make sure parent signs their name and date again.